Our program is highly effective. At the present time, as of 2022, 100 peoples' lives have been changed - they are back on their feet and financially stable.
Listen to this powerful testimony of Byron.
This is how we are getting it done:
Community Online Work Center: Teach and train to be employed online or onsite in the classroom and provided office space and other resources without charge.
10 years served in US Air Force, 6 months homelessness, now with employment, housing, and a car
They are no longer living in tents. They are now employed and housed and on their way to better days.
Your contribution will enable us to continue operations and help people get employed so they have the income needed to support themselves and their families. We are very grateful for your generosity.
Your contribution will enable us to end homelessness helping people get back on their feet and never to be homeless again. We are very grateful for your generosity.
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1202 Williamson Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, United States